Monday, July 18, 2011

Word Coasters

I may have mentioned before that I am into design.  Having an interest in design, reading and writing, I'm naturally drawn to the fusion of these topics.  Writing about design?  Yes.  Designs that incorporate writing?  Yes.  Today I came across these coasters that incorporate not just writing, but literature in their design.

The set of four handmade ceramic coasters features real pages from an antique copy of The Scarlett Letter.  What could be better for the home of a book lover?  I'm not being reimbursed in any way for promoting these coasters, I just thought I'd share because I like them so much.  See these and other (often word-related) coaster designs from the designer here:

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mark it in Pencil Wordle

Just something a little bit fun today.  Have you heard of Wordle?  At you can analyze text to see what words you use most and make a fun image while you're at it.  Here's the wordle I made for Mark it in Pencil:

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